Terms and Conditions
Pretty simple from our end:
- We won’t sell your data
- We reserve the right to edit or remove any listings submitted to the directory
- We don’t make any guarantees that your listing will be seen by visitors, however there is no algorithm to dictate which listings are shown and when.
- We aim to approve and publish any listings and claims within 24 hours
- We provide all content AS IS – we don’t guarantee the accuracy of any information on the site. Though we’ll do our best.
And from your end:
- You won’t submit hateful, racist, or threatening content.
- You won’t use the site to promote anything beyond hockey related content (team listings, clinics, etc.)
- You won’t take the content submitted by any other user to use elsewhere
- You won’t attempt to access the site in any way that harms other users, listings, teams, visitors, etc.